
I love change, but . . . who moved my treadmill?
By Greg Perkins, SMDHealthy.Church
I have always considered myself as someone that wasn’t afraid of change—in fact, I often boasted that I embraced change. I have gone so far as to repeat the joke, “a rut (routine) is just the same as a grave, except the
When I arrived for my Monday morning workout, nothing was where it had been on the previous Friday. I was immediately unsettled, but reminded myself, “change is good, right?” I searched until I found my favorite piece of exercise equipment, only to find that it wasn’t working. I settled
By the time I arrived home to shower and get ready for the day, I had a good chuckle at my own expense. I had become comfortable in my routine and it caused me to wonder about other things that I might have allowed to become “routine” in my life as well. My job? My marriage? My relationship with God?
If we are not careful, we can become so comfortable with our “routines” that we begin to take the important things in life (people, relationships, etc.) for granted.
Lamentations 3:22-23 (NIV) says,
22 Because of the Lord’s great
This verse should serve as an encouragement to us, that we shouldn’t ever allow our relationship with God to become routine. His
Let’s make each day count!

Greg Perkins
Church Development Director