103 Easy Steps To Grow The Church Of Your Dreams . . . and One Other One
By Greg Perkins, SMDHealthy.Church
20 “Teacher,” he declared, “all these I have kept since I was a boy.”
21 Jesus looked at him and loved him. “One thing you lack,” he said. “Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”
22 At this, the man’s face fell. He went away sad because he had great wealth.
This was a leader pursuing a goal who was checking the list to see if the project was complete. The first part of Jesus’ response was very comforting because he had completed all the steps on the list. But Jesus told him the one thing he lacked…the one “other” step. Jesus told him to sell everything and follow Him, but the challenge of implementation was too great for this young leader.
As leaders, we are all in a pursuit to accomplish the vision God gave us when He called us to ministry. We’ve followed the steps marked out for us in the Scriptures, we’ve consumed all kinds of leadership resources, and listened to leaders we respect. But, there has to be more, right? We haven’t arrived at the intended destination yet, so we keep looking for other lists to complete. We click on every “3 steps” and “5 ways” blog or article we think will get us what we want, or where we want to go. What we really lack though…is ONE more thing…and it could be the most important one of all.
For the young leader in Mark 10, the “one more thing” was selling all his possessions, but what is it for you? I believe the tangible demand of this verse might be different for another leader asking the same question. That is to say, the “one more thing” is not so much about money or possessions, as it is about the “what” or “who” the leader trusts MORE than Jesus Christ. The possessions for the Rich Young Ruler represented the “one thing” he was not willing to YIELD to the Lord.
A leader’s inability to YIELD to God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) is the “one thing” that most often prevents us from experiencing all God intends in our ministry pursuits. If we say, “God, I’ll do ANYTHING you want, but I WON’T do THAT,” you may have just found the “one thing” you need to YIELD to Him before completing your list.
Living a YIELDED life as a leader is THE most effective way to achieve God’s plan for your life AND for the organization you lead. Remaining sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit with EACH STEP you take (no matter how many there are), is the best way to be EXACTLY where God wants you to be.
Living a YIELDED life as a leader is THE most effective way to achieve God’s plan for your life AND for the organization you lead. Remaining sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit with EACH STEP you take (no matter how many there are), is the best way to be EXACTLY where God wants you to be.
![Greg Perkins](
Greg Perkins
Church Development Director